Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This Art is Far-out!

Artistic CD Holder

This is not a trivet, but is a giant (4 ft) CD and DVD storage solution and too cool for school.
This is not your grandmother’s hope chest.
What a wonderful thing to hand to your children.

Artisitic work_ESW_Large Stairway to Heaven

Artistic LeWebb-Carter-Big
Need drawer space anyone?

Artistic LeWebb-StefanCoffee-Big
What a load of books I could stack underneath this coffee table, or even place a statue or two, or better yet, books on one side and statue on the other!

Leslie Webb, aiming for science, made her first wood cut and knew she had found her calling. For more information on these cool, artistic and functional pieces, go to her website.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Imagined Styling for Authors

From an Irish blogger, Homebug for more resource information. Here is a sneak peak at the pictures.

A Study for Earnest Hemingway


'Upstairs in the office I read the French morning papers, smoked, and then sat at the typewriter and got off a good morning's work.'
The Sun Also Rises, 1927 

Virginia Woolf’s Boudoir


'The usual faded ribbons sprinkle the wallpaper. The bird chorus is over, only one bird now sings close to the bedroom window.' The Waves, 1931

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Clampett's Meet George Jetson or Leave it to the Germans

Have camper; will travel.

Fantastic. You design the floor plan and a computer generated camper will be designed to fit that footprint. These things are light too, any car can pull one. Must. Have. One. Here.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

From Drab to Fab

After. I’m reading a new site where I found this lovely
before and after kitchen redo. I sure wish I could
slow down and do a quickie kitchen redo before Christmas.
Bless their pea-pickin’ hearts for pulling it off!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

David Hicks Pink Bedroom Circa 1970's

This is timeless style and other than the 
scalloped canopy, I wouldn't change a thing.
This goes out to all the women suffering from 
Breast Cancer. Please pray for an end to this killer.

Pick a couch, any couch.

Mr. Upfront and Personal at your service.

Mr. All Around Perfect.

 Hard working cow pokes

A mysterious "L" shaped beauty
 waiting for suitable companion pieces.

To be or not to be, that is the question.
I cannot find the source for these, but they are too delicious to go to waste. I remember something about them being handmade in Chicago and are all green design. Wow, they are sounding better all the time. Can't you just imagine designing around these beauties? Anyone of them will do ya.